onsdag 14. september 2016

School Presentation : Terrorism

Last week and a part of this week we had group presentations in international english. We could choose a subject of the board that we wanted to talk about in front of the class.  The group I was on decided to talk about terrorism. The reason why my group chose to talk about terrorism was because it was such a relevant topic in the news and all around the world at the time. I also wanted to talk about terrorism to show my fellow student that terrorism is something that happens every day, not just the few times it is in the news. 

 I feel strongly about the social medias impact on terrorism. I feel that because of the social media people are more frighten about terrorism, but I dont think there is a reason to be a lot frighten then what we were some years ago. Terrorism happens everyday, and more people need to realize that. Of course it`s terrible when someone attacks places near us, but at the same time that is what the terrorists wants - they want a reactions from us, the want us to be scared.  It has gotten to the point where finger pointing is a thing.  People get scared and point fingers at a group of people or religion just to have someone to blame everything on.  Terrorism has caused a lot of xenophobia, which is hate against strangers. Terrorism has also caused one of the biggest refugee crisis where a lot of refugees are neglected into countries because of the hate and the fear of them being terrorists, but also the fact that some people are scared that their country will lose its culture and that the foreign cultures will take over.  My opinion is that we should set ourselves into their position, where everything is taken away from you ; your home, friends, even family, education and  jobs and then depending on the rest of the world to help you, only for them to turn their back on you. We live in 2016 and to see that the younger generation, my generation, are more open to help people  then the older generations, is sad. That we kids can see what is wrong with the world, which is our future, only to have the grownups not listening til us and not doing anything.  Now I´m not trying to drag all the grownups under the same comp. Its just that what happened to the saying " treat people the way you want to be treated" that we always learned when we were kids.  We saw what happened in the wars before and then I'm asking myself why are we doing the same mistake over and over again.  We should rather help then make everything ten times worse. 

Every day someone loses their family member because of terrorism, everyday a child dies because of terrorism and I think many people forget about that and only focus on terrorism that happens in the area near, like when Paris was attacked. To think that what happened i Paris happens everyday in countries like Syria, is very frightening. 

This presentation made me learn a lot more facts about terrorism, like that since 2000 there was around 72 135 terror attacks and half of them happen in four countries.( look at the picture to the right).  That means that there was 4508 terror attacks every year and 12 attacks every single day until now. To have 12 attacks everyday in 16 years i a lot, and i wish it wasn't that much. 

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/ The_number_of_terrorist_attacks_worldwide_2000-2014.png

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