One of the biggest changes when we travel abroad is the cultural changes. Every country has different cultures and different ways to act. I think that the most common frustrations when you are aboard is information overload - you have to learn so many thing many new things and information, Language barrier - it can be hard sometimes to talk a different language that you aren't so used to talking, and you can only talk this language to be understood, Homesickness - you will probably miss your home and family a lot, and sometime homesickness can really ruin the whole trip abroad.
On the graph under you can see different phases of being abroad and the cultural shock. The cultural shock is divided into 9 different phases.
Phase 1: Everything is new, interesting and exciting.
Phase 2: Differences become apparent and irritating. Problems accord and frustrations sets in. in this phase you will be over the so called honeymoon phase, where everything is good and you're happy.
Phase 3: You may feel homesick, depressed and helpless. You will miss your home country a lot, and your family. Depression will seek in sometimes. Homesickness can really ruin your trip, all depending on how you take care of this problem.
Phase 4: You develop strategies to cope with difficulties and feelings, make new friends and learn to adopt to the host culture. It will be easier to communicate and everything when you have learned how this new culture works.
Phase 5: You accept and embrace cultural differences. You see the host as your new home don't wish to depart and don't wish to depart or leave new friends. you have finally starting to love it here and the thought of leaving is devastating .
Phase 6: You're excited to come home. To finally see your family after a long time. Still it is sad to leave all your friends and host family.
Phase 7: You gradually adjust to life at home. Things start to seem more normal and routine again, although not exactly the same.
phase 8: You may feel frustrated, angry or lonely because friends and family will not understand what you experienced and how you changed. you miss the host culture and friends, and may look for ways to return.
Phase 9: You incorporate what you learned and experienced abroad into your new life.
Very true!