mandag 16. januar 2017

DRONE - A movie about the horrific truth

A while ago we watched a very disturbing video in English class, showing you the horrific truth on how the government in the US is responsible for a “secret drone war” that takes place in Pakistan.  
The movie shows us all the sides to the ongoing war, all from the recruitment of young pilots at gaming conventions, to the new definition of “going to war”, how the world leaders give the secret “green light” to engage in the biggest targeted killing program in history, and lastly the people who are willing to stand up against the violations of civil liberties and fight for accountability and justice. 
This movie showed us a side of the word “war” that maybe many of us weren’t that ware of before. I would recommend everyone to watch this movie because the movie has a very important message that’s shows that the good people aren’t always as good as we thought.
Before I answer some questions tied to the movie, I would like it if you watched the trailer on the bottom of the page just to get more knowledge to the movie.

How does US military use computer games in recruiting drone pilots? 
Video gamers and virtual reality has become a very common source for the US military when recruiting soldiers for drone pilots.  A lot of video games have their plot in wars and guns, and the people recruiting for drone pilots often think it´s just like gaming, but they fast realize that this time it isn’t a virtual game, this is real and they are taking real lives not virtual lives.  By playing video games you often sharpen your capability to concentrate, and you become more aware on where you have to aim, who the bad guy is and so on, and this is something the US military wants. In fact, a while ago I read online that they even made a own video game, with real sound effect to make more people want to become a drone pilot.

  What arguments against drones do earlier drone operators have? 
Killing thousands of people will of course mark you for life. Everyday a drone pilot target one person but ends up killing innocent lives along with the one target they had. They also have to live with the fact that their precision won´t always be the best, which causes more innocent lives being taken and buildings being blown up. Another argument I would use is the fact that the US used lies to make the pilots want to kill and protect their country.

  When is it okay to break article three in the human rights laws? The right to life, freedom and personal security.
It is never okay to break any rule in the human rights laws, especially the right to life, freedom and personal security. The only reason to why the CIA and other military or so groups aren’t punished for their actions is that they are saying that they are only eliminating the people who they see as a threat to the nation, and people who who can be linked to earlier terror attacks.

What are the viewpoints of the Pakistani human rights lawyers?
The human rights lawyers have no other point of view than to stop the drone attacks. They are trying hard to fight to stop the drones from killing more innocent lives.  Not only are they killing a lot more innocent lives then what´s been told, but the force of the drone missiles causes collateral damage to the buildings around.  The Pakistan people are so desperate to stop the drone war, that they started to print out large photos of adults and children whose been affected by the war, so that maybe they will reach out to the pilots and show them the sad truth to what is actually going on in Partisan.   

How do you think the Norwegian government would react if terrorist had been targetd by drones in Norway?
 If terrorist would have been targeted by drones in Norway, it would probably make a headline in all newspapers and all the news stations in the world. The reason to this is that we are one of the peaceful countries in the world and an attack to one person here, is an attack to everyone.  People don’t see the attacks in Pakistan as the people of Pakistan do. For them the US military are the terrorists and I think the Norwegians would right away blame terrorists from countries like Pakistan because of the social media and how the people associated with terrorism are being shown on media.  I remember when a terror attack happened in Norway, where a man with Norwegian ethnicity shot and murdered a large amount of innocent lives, and people right away assumed it was terrorism from foreign people from countries on the Asian continent.  The shock people got when they found out that one of their own were the person behind the attacks, would probably be the same as if terrorist were targeted by drones. We would stand together and since we are a known country we would be heard and other countries would help.

Who is responsible for the killing of civil lives?
The only ones who are responsible for the loss of civil lives are the ones who control the actions. The US government for supporting this decision, the CIA and the USAF for controlling the actions and the pilots for doing the dirty work for them.   Of course the pilots have a minor part then the other because they are just doing their job while the government and the CIA and so on are the ones who are in charge.

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